Smoke & Mirrors
Author Interviews with SmokeLong Quarterly
Smoke & Mirrors with Allison Field Bell - I interviewed writer Allison Field Bell about her story "Yes," which is now out in Issue Eighty-Five of SmokeLong Quarterly. Find more from her on her website.
Smoke & Mirrors with Timothy Boudreau - I interviewed writer Timothy Boudreau about his story "Anxiety Dreams," which is now out in SmokeLong Quarterly. Find him on Twitter @tcboudreau.
Smoke & Mirrors with Rachel O’Cleary - I interviewed writer Rachel O'Cleary about her story "Flight Reflex." It was an absolute pleasure to work with Rachel and to get some insight into her poignant and captivating work. Find her on Twitter @RachelOCleary1.
Smoke & Mirrors with Camille Verzal - I interviewed writer Camille Verzal about her story "Re: Your Short-Story Collection," which won The SmokeLong Quarterly Comedy Prize (2021). Find her on Twitter @CamilleVerzal.
Bulb Culture Collective Shines a Light on Rachel Lloyd - An in-depth look at my flash fiction story Cock Block (published in Moon City Review and BCC) which was nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Moon City Review’s 2023 Best Small Fictions Award. 
Pushcart Nominations - My short stories "Waves" (Thimble Lit Mag) and "Cock Block" (Moon City Review) have each been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I am truly honored to be nominated among so many other incredible writers and their work.

Image Credit: Vintage Newspaper,

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